They have an album out, full of more maths puns than you can shake a
The Klein four group, or Vierergruppe, is a direct product of two copies of Z_2, and allows us to solve the quartic.
Infrequent comments on maths and theoretical physics as seen from the point of view of a lecturer on a finite contract.
0800-0900hrs BreakfastWhich was very good and not too tiring. Most lecturers were given one morning and one afternoon slot, and frequently this wasn't enough time to bridge the gap between being completely pedagogical and also interesting to the experts in the audience. Let me give a list for posterity of all the talks we heard. Suggeseted preparatory literature for the talks can be found here.
0900-1030hrs Lecture 1
1030-1100hrs Coffee break
1100-1230hrs Lecture 2
1245-1630hrs Lunch and beach break
1630-1730hrs Lecture 3
1800-1900hrs Lecture 4