Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Klein Four (A group)

Perhaps The Klein Four have passed you by as well as me. Well fret not. They are an a capella group from the maths department of Northwestern Univeristy and they shot to fame last year with their love song Finite Simple Group of Order Two, which can be watched online:

They have an album out, full of more maths puns than you can shake a stick log at, which you can purchase via their website (where you can see some of their other performances) or even via iTunes.

The Klein four group, or Vierergruppe, is a direct product of two copies of Z_2, and allows us to solve the quartic.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the song about quantum mechanics some of my friends made after the undergraduate course.

Unknown said...

Do you have a copy of it? The more funny physics songs the merrier.

Anonymous said...

The writer Stanislaw Lem may have started this off with his Love and Tensor Algebra from Cyberiad.

Unknown said...

This performance just reminds me of an old song about quantum mechanics some of my precious friends made after the undergraduate course! How wonderful it sounds! I have no words to describe my admiration. Only custom paper writing services will be capable to do so in a professional way!